Outing ;p
/Assalammualaikum\ Heeyyyoooo semuaaanyaa! Hope semua baik-baik belaka :) Kan kan xD Today was thursday.Ergghhh ayah sayaaa balik lah lols -.- Okey first kan tadi aku balik dari sekolah :3 Then,tengah penat-penat tuh sambil duduk kat kerusi.Tiba-tiba mak aku panggil suruh tukar baju nak jalan.Ehh?biar betik nih?K seriously aku pun tengah penat gilaaaa -..- But why not?Sekali-sekala pergi Mc'd.Hahahah xD aku pun kataa yaaaaa!Nak ikut :D muehehe :* So,aku pun bersiap lah but aku rushing lol -______- dengan nak iron tudung aku lagi.Tuh lah masa mak aku suruh bersiap aku dok baring dalam bilik main facebook sekejap,kehkeh ;p (Y) yowww ^^V haha K aku dah tak tahu nk taip apa...Kbyee :-*
*K tempekk sekejap muka annoying nih xD*
Kenyangnyaaaaa makannn.Hahaha sila jelouse cepat ;p Esok ada kerja kayu kat sekolah will be there pukul 10;00 sampai lah jam 6 ptg.Erghhhh k -.-
Labels: eating mc'd, kerja kayu, tired
Le owner
Me is me ღ
/Assalamualaikum\Hello Guys! My name is Nahda. Was born at melaka and the date goes to 16 Jan.Sweet fourteen 2012. Stay at JohorBahru since standard 3.Proud to be malaysian! Study at Smkbsa with my bestiest friends.Status single and not available.My favourite food and drink is fried rice,chicken,much much chocolate :p and Fruityyy juicee :) I am friendly,Cheerful,Childish and sometimes i can be annoying,naughty and much more cause nobody is perfect :) Things that i love is Allah SWT,Prophet Muhammad SAW,Parents and family,Bestiess friend,My lappy,Phone,Surf internet,Blogging,Shoping and many more! :D and this things that i hate!Please if you one of these things please go away from me.Rippers,Copycat,Anon,Backstabber,Line as snail,Egg yolk *ergh,Liar.So that is it,Thanks for reading this nonsense bio :) Im not a perfect person.I make a lot of mistakes.But still,I love those people who stay with me after knowing how I really am ♥ Kbyeee! Xx.
Contact me on : Facebook ∞ Twitter ∞
Outing ;p
/Assalammualaikum\ Heeyyyoooo semuaaanyaa! Hope semua baik-baik belaka :) Kan kan xD Today was thursday.Ergghhh ayah sayaaa balik lah lols -.- Okey first kan tadi aku balik dari sekolah :3 Then,tengah penat-penat tuh sambil duduk kat kerusi.Tiba-tiba mak aku panggil suruh tukar baju nak jalan.Ehh?biar betik nih?K seriously aku pun tengah penat gilaaaa -..- But why not?Sekali-sekala pergi Mc'd.Hahahah xD aku pun kataa yaaaaa!Nak ikut :D muehehe :* So,aku pun bersiap lah but aku rushing lol -______- dengan nak iron tudung aku lagi.Tuh lah masa mak aku suruh bersiap aku dok baring dalam bilik main facebook sekejap,kehkeh ;p (Y) yowww ^^V haha K aku dah tak tahu nk taip apa...Kbyee :-*
*K tempekk sekejap muka annoying nih xD*
Kenyangnyaaaaa makannn.Hahaha sila jelouse cepat ;p Esok ada kerja kayu kat sekolah will be there pukul 10;00 sampai lah jam 6 ptg.Erghhhh k -.-
Labels: eating mc'd, kerja kayu, tired